Girls spend the day at a prestigious French cookery school

A group of six Lower Fourth girls spending the term at our French boarding house had the opportunity to visit the Lycée Hôtelier Quercy-Périgord where they spent time with French students learning how to cook some delicious recipes for afternoon tea.

23 January 2020

The partnership between Downe House and the Lycée Hotelier Quercy-Perigord is co-ordinated by Madame Schmitt who kindly reported for us on a very successful day. Scroll down to find the translation into English.

Mercredi 4 décembre, les élèves de seconde Boulangerie du Lycée Hôtelier Quercy-Périgord ont accueilli six élèves de l’école de Downe House accompagnés de Mme Scotland, la directrice et leur professeur, Mme Rodrigo. Anglaises et français se sont retrouvés toute la matinée en pâtisserie afin de réaliser des bûches aux fruits rouges et des scones sous la direction de leur professeur, Chef Pâtissier Eric Juan.

Une fois le TP terminé, tous les élèves ont mis en place la table et un petit buffet sous la direction de leur professeure d’anglais, Mme Schmitt. Ils ont accueilli l’équipe pédagogique de la classe et expliqué les pâtisseries en anglais et en français. Tout le monde s’est réuni autour d’une tasse de thé, de scones, de bûches aux fruits rouges et de millionaire chocolate shortbread et bakewell tart que nos amis anglais nous avaient apportés. Ces échanges sont très enrichissants et permettent à nos élèves d’améliorer leurs compétences en anglais et d’établir un lien entre enseignement professionnel et général. Les élèves se sont montrés très enthousiastes et ont demandé à réitérer l’expérience.

On Wednesday 4 December, the Year 11 students studying bakery and pastry-making at the Lycée Hôtelier Quercy-Périgord welcomed six girls from Downe House School in the UK who are spending a term in France, accompanied by their Headmistress, Mrs Scotland and their teacher, Mrs Rodrigo. The English girls and the French students bonded over pastry-making for a whole morning, producing a red berry roulade and scones with guidance from their teacher and Pâtisserie Chef, Mr Eric Juan.

Once the practical session was over, all the pupils presented their food at a tea party under the supervision of English teacher, Mme Schmitt. The class welcomed the subject teachers to tell them about the ingredients and origins of the cakes. Everyone got together over a cup of tea, scones, berry fruit roulade as well as the chocolate millionaire’s shortbread and bakewell tart that our English friends had brought with them. These exchanges provide a very enriching experience and are a good opportunity for our students to improve their English and establish a link between their vocational and general learning. The students were very enthusiastic and have asked to repeat the experience.

Find out more about a term in France

All girls in the Lower Fourth spend a term in France at our French boarding house.


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