Remove go to Calshot! 

The Remove girls set off on the annual residential trip to Calshot Activity Centre for a four-day adventure at the seaside venue

13 June 2019

Ahead of the girls was an exciting programme of land and water-based activities from climbing and snowboarding to cycling in the velodrome, shooting and sailing.  

Hope, Alice and Petchnapa report on their experience, 

“We were all very excited when we arrived at Calshot. Our accommodation was called Lawrence House and we couldn’t wait to get started on the afternoon’s activities. We were organised into different groups mixed in with girls from other Houses which was good because we got to make new friends.  

 The activity programme included the velodrome, crate stack, big swing (that was so much fun!), indoor games, beach explorer, windsurfing, climbing, kayaking, archery, shooting, sailing and many more exciting things. Our days were fully packed, and so it was always nice to climb into bed because we were exhausted by the end of the day!  

 Our favourite activities were snowboarding and cycling in the velodrome. I (Alice) had only snowboarded once before but by the end of it, I was able to get down the slope without falling over! My (Petchnapa) favourite was the velodrome – it was really scary at first because your feet were clipped into the bike and so if you fell, you’d fall with the bike, but the faster I went, the more fun it was as I got higher up! We all really enjoyed the trip to Calshot. 

View the photos from the Calshot trip

Remove go to Calshot!

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