
We want to give future generations of Downe House girls, from all walks of life, the chance of a first-class education.  A gift in your Will, of any size, will help us educate and inspire girls for generations to come.

A gift in your will

We understand that many people cannot give to Downe House during their lifetime. A gift in your Will allows you to make a charitable contribution at no cost to you today. A gift in your Will to a charity is tax efficient, gifts are deducted from your estate before Inheritance Tax is calculated and can reduce the liability to your beneficiaries. Download our handy advice sheet here for more information.

Generosity which lasts for generations

The generosity of Old Seniors, former teachers and parents has made Downe House a truly wonderful place to be. Many gifts have come in the form of legacies to the School, which have allowed us to improve the School site, build new facilities and fund bursaries for bright girls to receive an exceptional education.

It is important to remember that the whole School is itself a remarkable gift – a legacy from Olive Willis, who set out to create a school that would be different. She held the strong belief that a school should meet the needs of young women by valuing and prizing individuals and engendering a strong sense of excellence, excitement and enthusiasm for the world around them.

Our alumnae and parents have such happy memories of Downe House and still feel a strong connection and sense of belonging to the School, however not all can afford to give to Downe House during their lifetime. A gift in your Will allows you to continue that connection long into the future, protecting the School you love, and providing another young woman the opportunity of benefiting from a Downe House education.

For more information on legacies and how to pledge to Downe House in your will, please contact foundation@downehouse.net 

The Palmer Society

The Palmer Society has been established to recognise the lifelong benefaction and support of alumna Elizabeth Palmer and other members of her family, and to encourage Old Seniors to consider Downe House in their Will. It seeks to bring together like-minded Old Seniors who have pledged a legacy to Downe House, and to acknowledge those who are looking to help the School in the years ahead and secure the future of Downe House.

Learn more about the Palmer Society and how to pledge to Downe House in your will in the Palmer Society Brochure or by contacting foundation@downehouse.net.

About Elizabeth Palmer

Elizabeth Palmer joined the School as a pupil in 1920, and then returned firstly as a member of the office staff and later as Miss Medley’s first Vice-Principal. Following her retirement, Elizabeth continued to open her doors at Fencewood House to members of staff both for regular, convivial dinners and also for staff accommodation. On her death in 1998 she left the house to the School.

There is no doubt of the legacy of Elizabeth Palmer and the tangible way she has inspired many others to protecting the School they love, and provide other young women with the opportunity of benefiting from a Downe House education.

Tours & Open Mornings

The best way to find out more about Downe House is to experience it for yourself. Book a personal tour or join us at one of our Open Mornings, available throughout the year.

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